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drh. M. Ar Raniri Putra (ArRan)

Senior Vet

Becoming a veterinarian has been my dream since I was at school. Getting the opportunity to enter IPB through invitation made me grateful because I could achieve my dreams. Since getting my doctor's degree (2010) I have immediately worked as a practicing veterinarian. I have an interest in internal medicine with a main focus on endocrinology and metabolic diseases. In 2016 I received a scholarship from the European Society Veterinary Endocrinology to attend a veterinary endocrinology summer school in Bologna, Italy. In 2017 I took part in an internship at Queen Mother Animal Hospital Royal Veterinary College, London.

Sharing knowledge is one of my hobbies, until now I am a guest lecturer at the PPDH FKH UB program, and have been invited several times as a guest lecturer at FKH Undana and PS KH Unpad. I am also quite active in sharing education on social media (Instagram and TikTok) and am also a speaker at seminars/webinars/courses for national veterinarians to share the knowledge I have with veterinarians in Indonesia. To date, he has written 2 books intended for veterinarians and has also written several journals published nationally and internationally.Becoming a veterinarian has been my dream since I was at school. Getting the opportunity to enter IPB through invitation made me grateful because I could achieve my dreams. 

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  • Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan IPB 2004-2008

  • Program Pendidikan Dokter Hewan IPB 2008-2010

Education and titles

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Expertise Areas

Penyakit Dalam dan Diagnostic Imaging

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Languages spoken

English and Indonesian

Drh. Arran
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