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drh. M. Ar Raniri Putra (ArRan)

Senior Vet

Born from a childhood dream, I pursued a career as a veterinarian. Entering IPB through an invitation brought immense joy, allowing me to achieve that dream. After obtaining my drh degree in 2010, I immediately entered veterinary practice. My primary interest lies in internal medicine, particularly endocrinology and metabolism. Opportunities to study in Bologna, Italy in 2016 and intern in London in 2017 broadened my horizons. I enjoy sharing knowledge, both as a guest lecturer and through social media and seminars. I have also published books and written journals.

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  • Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan IPB 2004-2008

  • Program Pendidikan Dokter Hewan IPB 2008-2010

Education and titles

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Expertise Areas

Internal Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging

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Languages spoken

English and Indonesian

Drh. Arran
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