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drh. Muhammad Faiz Hafizhuddin

Senior Vet

Born and raised in Bekasi, I grew up caring for pets (dogs, cats, and hamsters), which instilled a deep love for animals in me. I pursued my veterinary education at the Bogor Agricultural Institute from 2011 to 2018. My interest in veterinary science began with an undergraduate research project on dog dental radiography, leading me to delve deeper into radiography and other diagnostic imaging techniques. I have contributed to a book on ultrasonography diagnosis in small animals and have undergone basic training in dentistry and cardiology.

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  • Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan (SKH) - Institut Pertanian Bogor

  • Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan (DRH) - Institut Pertanian Bogor

Education and titles

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Expertise Areas

Diagnostic imaging (USG dan Xray), internal medicine, dan dentistry

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Languages spoken

English and Indonesian

Drh. Faiz
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