drh. Muhammad Faiz Hafizhuddin
Senior Vet
Education and titles
Sarjana Kedokteran Hewan (SKH) - Institut Pertanian Bogor
Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan (DRH) - Institut Pertanian Bogor
Expertise areas
Diagnostic imaging (USG and Xray), internal medicine, and dentistry
Languages spoken
English and Indonesian
Born and raised in Bekasi, I have loved pets since childhood. I completed my veterinary education at IPB from 2011-2018. My undergraduate research on dog dental radiography sparked my interest in radiography and diagnostic imaging. I contributed to a book on ultrasonography diagnosis in small animals and participated in basic training on dentistry and cardiology. I have three cats: Ponyo, who has been with me since 2012, Munyanyo, and Linyo. In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball and spending time with my family.